- Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:33 pm
eplawsl wrote:And a mob grinder, that used pressure plates to stop water flow. Like a hundred mobs, jumping up and down on pressure plates, which activates redstone current.Intelli wrote:None of the machines we removed were created with the deliberate intention to create lag.Source: http://www.minerealm.com/community/view ... =12&t=4752
I feel like this needs to be here for all of the more paranoid players of Minerealm.
These where not technical lag machines, more like laggy machines, if you will. Like the club seduction dance floor and a large automated mushroom farm, these 2 where a couple machines mentioned by admins in the chat during the partial purge.
"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."