- Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:46 am
I thought that we were leaving MineRealm 4.0 the way it is, and making a new map for 5.0 and transferrin 4.0 to a different IP. Confusing...
Anyway, remove damn from the swear filter. Add duels. Give custom tags to veterans. Find a way to make /ad less ridiculously spammy. That's pretty much all I can think of off the top of my head. Oh, and we need more of a facebook presence IMO, but that's more of a general suggestion. A bigger map would be nice too, as well as a way to make it at least slightly dangerous to travel around at night--currently, the mobs are so few that they're ridiculously easy to avoid without even trying. Same goes with caves. Of course, a map or mob increase would increase lag, but these are just suggestions. Well, that's my two credits.
Anyway, remove damn from the swear filter. Add duels. Give custom tags to veterans. Find a way to make /ad less ridiculously spammy. That's pretty much all I can think of off the top of my head. Oh, and we need more of a facebook presence IMO, but that's more of a general suggestion. A bigger map would be nice too, as well as a way to make it at least slightly dangerous to travel around at night--currently, the mobs are so few that they're ridiculously easy to avoid without even trying. Same goes with caves. Of course, a map or mob increase would increase lag, but these are just suggestions. Well, that's my two credits.
I am the whirring thing past the corner. I am the darker patch under the bed. I am the tapping on your window; the extra steps on the sidewalk; the voice whispering your name. I am Stalkerbot, and I am watching you.