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By ramien123
I don't know if i am alone in this, but everything about this guy makes me very angry. I don't know if it is his name, the weird colors, the strange cat pictures, the attitude, the general feel of his personality, but SOMETHING about this guy makes me cringe. And I am a pretty damn accepting guy...

Edit: It also sounds like you want to be a Moderator to get revenge.
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By smithsps
I did later give the person that asked about those positions a brief summary of those positions and they were all on one game, Team Fortress 2.
Very brief if I remember, you said, "Team Fortress 2", and then promptly said along the lines, "What is the point?" I was hoping for more.
Lightbulbs has some influence on the choices that go on around here and that repulses me.
Well every player has influence for if one talks, one is heard, one influences, significant or not. You have influence, wanted or not.

Secondly, Lightbulds is a person who is investigative, he probes for weaknesses and uses them to troll. But, through this, the community get to see partly the true nature of a person; their strengths and weaknesses become defined.

And from what I have seen from your confrontation with Lightbulbs, is that you are too emotional. You get mad and don't hold your cool.
ramien123 wrote:Edit: It also sounds like you want to be a Moderator to get revenge.
^And that is how a lot of people are seeing you, it is not good to come off that way.
I tend to carry myself in a different manner when I'm in a position of power than when I'm just another player... I carry myself in an entirely different manner when I am in a position of power than when I am just another guy on the server.
Why? Why not carry yourself in a position of integrity, when in power and not?
You were doing this on the server, a lot. To me I still consider this swearing, Which is against the server rules, shows part of your emotional instability, etc, etc.
I would really like to be able to help this server out and I feel that I could be doing more as a Game Moderator.
As a critical statement: I think a lot of people think they could help the server more as a Game Moderator, but that does not mean that they should. What I like to see out of a Game Moderator is one that proves himself or herself beneficial to the server without "Holy" moderators powers.

Thats just my say.
By panthers17nfl
BS from light? Fluffy, we've been over this: you let people get you angry, and this is the outcome.

I also like how you say that "i won't let light under my skin if i was a mod"... So are you saying you would act differently JUST because you are in a position of power and responsibility? That is the wrong attitude. Mods are chosen because they carry with them this positive attitude at all times. The fact that you wrote an entire post dedicated to how much of an a** light is demonstrates your hypocracy.

I'm sorry, but I'm just throwing that stuff out there. It is a bit arrogant of you to expect to be a Mod on minerealm after being here just one day. Nobody that is currently or ever was a Mod carried that attitude. They all waited patiently until they felt the community would accept them.

Also, could you please list the 24 servers (or at least some of them) you were an Admin on? You can't just write on a resume that you "had like 15 jobs" because they won't buy it.
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By FluffyMrKitty
Well, I did learn from the experience I had the other day that I DO need to work on my ability to stay calm and not let people under my skin. As I have said, my days of modship are a ways off.

I do hope I can improve how I carry myself and I will try to help people even if I'm not a mod or admin.

I will not post those servers as that was a load on my behalf as I thought it would help me get into the position and I now regret doing it. I understand that my choice will greatly affect peoples opinion of me and I hope to repair the damage with the community.


Side note:
For those of you who were there when all this furry stuff came up, if you are willing, send me a message on the server and I will do my best to clarify as apparently I have a different opinion on what a furry is than the lot of you.

I just remembered the post about someone saying I wanted to be a mod for revenge. I rebuke that.

Also, as I want to put this whole mess behind me, I will not be posting on this anymore.
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By Lightbulbs
FluffyMrKitty wrote: I will not post those servers as that was a load on my behalf as I thought it would help me get into the position and I now regret doing it
You didn't even bother making your bullshit semi reasonable, then acted like a complete tool when called out.
If anything you are too stupid to be a mod.
Actually Imma be serious for a moment. Within 1 day of joining you
1) Demanded to be a mod.
2) Lied to get what you wanted.
3) Swore a dozen times at least.
4) Openly proclaim you want to rape wolf people.
5) Made a massive ass of your self by telling the SITE OWNER that this server is terrible because it allows me to have an opinion that disagrees with you.
6) See number 4.

You are a terrible person. I'm amazed you aren't just banned on the spot.
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