banrobert wrote:I started playing on this server today, and I have a question about public realms. I understand that anybody can build on public realms, but are there any rules about destroying other player's building on a public realm? Are there any consequences of doing so?
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to just go and destroy everything I can, my question is about fairly intact, but propably abandoned buildings on public realms, which I want to buy for myself.
And i have an other question regarding private realms and griefing. There are many signs that prohibit griefing, but how can someone grief at all?
As I saw, anything you build on a private realm that is not yours is immediately deleted, and anything you remove is put back likewise. And the chests are locked also, but still there were complains about griefing on the chat all day long. I just don't want to be griefed, or be robbed, so how can I prevent it, if these protections are not enough?
Anyone can build on public realms, and there is rules against grieffing public realms, staff can check who placed/removed blocks, and rollback if needed. Buying a realm which has other people building on it is also considered grieffing, your best bet would be to warn the people on your realm prior to buying it, so they can take the stuff out of their chests/buildings.
The grieffing rule is mainly for public realms as you can't grief private realms, unless you give the wrong person building privileges, others can't steal from your chests nor break blocks, if you own the realm. Those people who were QQing were most likely on public realms.