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By SkullRose
Username: SkullRose
Real Name: Ana
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Location: Miami, FL, US
Time Zone: (Offset GMT) For reference: Central U.S. time

About Yourself:
I’m friendly, honest, and caring. I love to help others at any given chance. I’m not a greedy person; I’d rather give than receive. I avoid conflicts as much as possible. I don’t like causing trouble or making anyone feel lesser.

Outside of minerealm I’m an animal rescuer which can be very stressful and saddening but it’s a large part of who I am. I volunteer at my local shelter most weekends early in the morning and I take in sick fosters from time to time. I have my Veterinary Medicine Associates but have needed to temporarily put school off for the time being. I am also a licensed ALF Administrator and Medical Administration Specialist. I try to be as involved in my community as much as I can. I’ve organized and have helped in collecting necessities for those who are in need, I’ve fundraised money, and have participated in walk-a-thons to raise awareness.

I do however, try to spend most if not all of my free time on minerealm.

I have never been Staff on any server but then again I’ve never really played actively on any other server. I have however been given leadership positions in online communities that I had been involved with before I came across minecraft. I am a very quick learner so I know that if given the chance I can do this. I also know in my heart that I will not be going anywhere any time soon. I want this server to stay alive and continue growing, I find that it has become like a second family to me and I want to be a bigger part of it.

Why you deserve this position:
I don’t know about deserve, but I’ve been a member of Minerealm for two years now and it feels like home to me. I would love nothing more than to care for it and help it grow further. I get along with everyone on here and I’m almost certain I don’t have any enemies. I try my best to assist new players and help them feel at home here.

I am available every day, Monday through Sunday for a minimum of 6 hours and up to 14 hours, give or take.

Anything else you wish to add:
Thank you for looking over my staff application and even if it's not accepted I'm just grateful for the opportunity to be a greater part of the community. :)
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By krinbros
Skull's a responsible and respectable candidate for this position, and so this doesn't sound like generic asskissery, here's an approving seal.
image.jpg (9.43 KiB) Viewed 12612 times
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By dlgn
Absolutely. You've got the patience and good humor to deal with difficult situations and the well-earned trust of the community. Good luck!


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By FinalFouad
Knowing Skully for as long as I have, I have never seen her act out-of-line and she is always level-headed when playing.
Great app, hopefully you'll get it :)
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