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By SilsuCrow
So I'm getting more into Redstone than I have in the past and I was tinkering with the idea of traps of an arrow-shooting variety. However, the only property I own is at Spawn, and I've been told that traps at Spawn are a no-go. Buuuuuut as always I have questions.

Obviously, no overt traps or tricky things like "Press button for diamonds" and they get lava to the face, but what about clearly marked security measures? The idea is that I would have a sign or five basically reading "Authorized personnel only, light indicates traps are active and lethal, turn back now" right before the inner workings/private quarters area (already hidden via secret staircase). Failure to comply (and moving forward regardless) would result in something along the lines of the door shutting behind them, trapping them in a hallway with fully loaded arrow dispensers and a floor of hoppers.

If a player is given sufficient, clear warning of armed traps lying ahead, are said traps allowed? As moving further would indicate a willful disregard for said warnings and an acknowledgment of the likelihood of said player's imminent demise at the hands of said traps.

With this in mind and these precautions taken, would traps be allowed at Spawn? Or is it a solid zero-tolerance policy? Looking to get as much intel on what I can and cannot make, lest I build something that could get me in trouble.

Edit: For those wondering how the setup would work, tripwire lined hallway with each activation firing off a bank of dispensers (how I would have the door close behind is beyond me at the moment) with the shutoff lever being cleverly hidden (flipping the lever would activate a piston that would disrupt the circuit between the tripwires and the dispensers and possibly open doors further down the hallway).
By gallinka
I am suprised this was not answed until now. As per the official rules MARKED traps are allowed:

"Traps" are allowed to be made. They cannot be built near spawn or off a main path unless marked.

"Traps" are allowed in the nether as long as they aren't within 50 blocks of the spawn portal. The same goes for the End except the spawn point instead of the portal. As for the Wilderness it's free game.

- This quote can be found in the Q & A section on the first post of the 'Officail Rules' thread:
http://minerealm.com/community/viewtopi ... =20&t=4200

There was one ban that was upheld (that is, not reversed because the player was banned by staff in error, I believe the ban was later successfully appealed) because the entrance to the trap was marked "guild members only" or something like that. There was no warning that a trap existed or death may result by entering the area. It has been staff's position that ALL traps are marked as traps but, if so marked, are allowed. This is in contradiction to the mention of trap use in the official rules (above). That implies that traps only need to be marked if on a main road or "near" spawn (how close is too close?).

Your question and explanation of how a trap would be implemented by yourself (with signs):
SilsuCrow wrote:.....but what about clearly marked security measures? The idea is that I would have a sign or five basically reading "Authorized personnel only, light indicates traps are active and lethal, turn back now" right before the inner workings/private quarters area (already hidden via secret staircase). Failure to comply (and moving forward regardless) would result in something along the lines of the door shutting behind them, trapping them in a hallway with fully loaded arrow dispensers and a floor of hoppers.

If a player is given sufficient, clear warning of armed traps lying ahead, are said traps allowed? As moving further would indicate a willful disregard for said warnings and an acknowledgment of the likelihood of said player's imminent demise at the hands of said traps.
should be allowed, even at spawn. Staff can correct me if I am wrong.

I hope this helps and happy Minerealm-ing.

- gallinka
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