Post any ideas / suggestions for the game servers here.
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By Seuter
I would like to see a system implemented where players can get rewarded for their good deeds and clean record and admonished for their bad behaviour (A necessary evil). I have been seeing far too much rudeness, disregard for authority, anger, and overall, general bad behaviour. Of course, I have also seen some extrememly kind things done between players.

Therefore, I would like to implement a system that rewards the nice and good deeds and punishes the bad. It would work something like this...

Any player can:
/reprimand <player> <reason>
/thank <player> <reason>

Any Mod or Admin could:
/reprimands submitted
/thanks submitted
/reprimand accept <Reprimand #> (Each reprimand or thanks will should be auto assigned a number)
/thanks accept <Thanks #>

Every 50 positive thanks a player recieves would give them an extra homeset, and reprimands will subtract from any thanks given if any. If none, reprimands will generate negative points, and after 20 of those, that player's name will appear as red on chat with [Probation] in brackets on the side, until they can bump up their repremand points above -20. After -30, that player will be automatically banned.

Just a first draft, let me know what you think
By boylan00013
I think it a bad idea, A few people could gang up on someone they don't like and sumint fake things bad about the, and just make up so good reasons. the mods and admins would have no way of knowing if the reason were true or not it be like banning Jim because Tom said he broke his house to bit when it was really John.
By panthers17nfl
Can a single player cast multiple votes? Cause that would be a problem.

I also don't think we should be handing out homesets this easily, as it's kind of expected that players try to be good people, so I wouldn't want to reward them for something they should do anyway. The reprimand count may help us determine who causes trouble, but it shouldn't be able to ban them. Otherwise, the power to ban is in the hands of players we might not even know.

This definitely has room for improvement though, just need to modify some of the effects :D
By boylan00013
we could change it up a bit make it an easy why to have people complain about other with out have to open a tread which could leader to the player that was being complained about stealing grifing the other player as revenge.

Also Mod would be able to judge about unbanning people because they can look at a list of things they have done.

For example say people (different people) are complain someone girfting but don't have any photo say, than they can complain like this which has no effect on the player but when that player is ban for some reason other that to have his player file delete or something like that than Admins can look at the list and say well not 74 people have complain about you for a number of different or the same reason.

maybe something like that would work
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By cerevox
Bad idea on the grounds that it dosen't solve the problem. The problem as i see it is that all the constructive players are sticking to /r chat so global chat is filled with morons and trolls. The proper solution is to ignore global chat and only read the /r chat. No need for extra, clunky, exploitable systems then.

Also, its not against the rules to be an asshole, so no one should be punished for it. If you want to punish someone for being unpleasant, make it a clear rule with defined guide lines rather than a nebulous and vague set of votes.
By Seuter
Perhaps it has no physical changes to the player's status or mechanical elements of gameplay, but rather a place for people to submit complaints for MODs to think about, so that complaints that arent urgent dont hog up chat...

I also still want to be able to set probation status to a player (Something in between a warning and a ban. IE, something so that I dont have to ban people for being a-holes)
By kerovon
There is one use for something like this that I can think of. When I get bored, I wander by spawn, stand around, and when some spawn camper tries to kill me, I tend to pincushion them with arrows. I make sure my pvp is restricted to just people who try to attack me unprovoked.

However, if people could submit comments on people that players can look at, I could do something like /reputation randomspawncamper and see that several dozen people have complained about him. If this happens, then I wouldn't feel bad about killing him whenever I see him loitering around spawn, waiting for someone to walk out not paying attention.

However, I think that for the amount of utility this plug-in would have versus the effort to get it working, I think that it would be of fairly low priority to get placed, if it is ever done.

I am strongly against it having any tangible effects, because it would be too easy to game the system. If I and 5 of my friends don't like someone, we could all just complain about someone, and have whatever punishment is built in effect him. This is the same reason why vote bans tend to be easily abused.
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